These pieces are hand sculpted from 150 year old recycled English Red brick with an engraved and gilded design.
In 1984, Neil Postman gave a talk about how we are “Amusing Ourselves to Death”. He criticized how the news we see on television is entertainment, there only to maintain our attention in order to sell advertisement time instead of trying to make us think.
Today, we are living something beyond what Neil Postman was warning us about, social media platforms, with a system of algorithms that have no conscience or mercy. These algorithms work incessantly to keep our constant attention to see advertising and propaganda, and in that way become more efficient with the use of personal data, achieving the ability to target advertising that coincides exactly with the profile of interests of each user.
In these sculptures, I incorporate the “on” and “play” button symbols that are ubiquitous in our technological reality, to create a visual dialogue and invite contemplation for how the spectators might see themselves reflected within them.

Sculpted from an old 17th-century pillar that was thrown away and then rescued for its historical significance.
These pieces are made for a critique of colonial violence that still exists today. The taking of the Americas was done through violence and this still permeates throughout society 500 years later.
The different stone colors are based on surface treatment; the original stone is gray, highly textured, and diverse in color, whilst the body was sandblasted to create a smooth, flesh-like surface. The gun has experienced the most treatment, it has been polished and visually stands out to emphasise the stark nature of violence and conquests.

Salvaged and reworked fragment of 19th century sandstone column base from Spain.